Monday, September 20, 2010

Catching Up

I haven't felt much like writing lately. I've been a bit stressed. My husband lost his job, so now we're both unemployed and I'm still sort-of reeling three weeks later.

But, in exciting news, we found out that we're having a GIRL! I'm still pretty shocked and not 100% convinced it's true.

Thing 1 was nonplussed when we told him he was getting a sister. His response?

"I's what I wanted."

Um, okay.

This pregnancy has been TOTALLY different than with the boys, so it shouldn't have surprised me too much that she's a she. I'm gaining weight in totally different places. With the boys, I had a high, round, obvious bump. This time? It's more of an all-over plump. My friend just told me last week "you don't really look pregnant...just like you have a fat roll." Thanks, I guess? She's settled really low, too. It feels like she's CONSTANTLY kicking me in the crotch.

I've been keeping busy with the biz, which is good. I just shot my first wedding this past weekend and it was a lot of work, but I loved it.

Other than trying to keep up with the kids and my work, I've been obsessing over Baby Girl B's nursery. I came up dry when trying to find something feminine, but not to pink and girly in-store or online, so I've charged Nana with sewing the Little Miss' crib set. But I can't seem to settle on a fabric that I just LOVE.

Right now, I'm liking these (but that could change tomorrow). I'm hoping to decide this week.