Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Best Laid Plans...

Apparently the second trimester burst of energy has struck. I'm keeping up with laundry (!), I've cooked a few meals and I just got done cleaning the main floor. And the ol' gears are a-turnin' in my head, too, dreaming up all the projects I'd like to get done before the baby comes.

I was inspired to finally get some photos on my wall a couple weeks ago. I impressed both my husband and myself by a) effectively using the math portion of my brain, which receives very little exercise and b) limiting the number of holes in the wall to only a few more than were necessary.

I also filled up a bunch of frames with new prints (of both newer photos and oldies-but-goodies). Now I don't feel quite so ridiculous when people who know I'm a photographer come to the house and see no photos...

In the interest of trying to keep myself accountable (pfffft), I figured I'd list what I want to get done.

-paint the powder room (I'm thinking a metallic light blue)

-choose a color and paint the boys' bathroom

-paint the notch-back in the dining room an accent color and stencil a design onto that wall. Like this:

or this:

(this will have to wait until the a-hole builder finally figures out how to fix our leaky ceiling problem).

-sand and paint the baby's dresser.

-sand and paint the raggedy heirloom side table from the family room.

-create a storage system in Thing 1's closet to accomodate both boys' clothes.

-repaint the boys' room. (the hubs is going to kill me for this one...but I'm just not a fan of the blue in there.)

-paint the front door cranberry.
I'd love a backsplash and a new sink, too, but that'll have to wait.

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