Monday, August 16, 2010

The Bright Side

I'm a bit mopey today. With a side of Debbie Downer. It's been a rough year thus far and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. We learned today that the hubs will probably lose his job in the next couple weeks. Considering my current state of (un)employment, this is a frightening prospect. And there's a whole lot of backstory that makes it an even more frustrating situation.

In an effort to pull myself out of my funk, I thought I should take some time to think about all the positive things in my life.

-I have two adorable and precocious little boys. The love they have for their mama is overwhelming and they remind me each day what a joy it is to be a parent.

-Thing 2 started talking a little bit! This is HUGE since we'd just had him evaluated for a speech delay and though he was way low on the spectrum for expressive speech, his comprehension was good and he missed the mark for intervention. He started saying "papa" on Friday and has been saying "all done" with his words!

-We're expecting another little one in January and so far, the baby seems perfectly healthy. Thing 1 is already so in love with his new brother or "sisser" and kisses and talks to my belly all the time. It makes my heart soar.

-I've been blessed with a talent that allows me to do something I absolutely love that helps support my family.

-I have the most amazing husband in the world. He's so supportive and motivated and helpful and is such a great daddy.
-I have a wonderful family and am so thankful to have them all here in town.

-We have a roof over our head (nevermind that the ceiling leaks...oh, wait, I'm being positive here...)

-I have great friends who are fabulous listeners and very understanding.

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