Monday, July 26, 2010

You know what I miss most about working? (You know, aside from the adult interaction and paychecks...)
Yummy lunches. With grown ups.

Now that I'm finally able to eat prior to 6pm, I'm really feeling bummed out about my midday meal options. I've traded gourmet sandwiches and big, glorious, fresh salads for whatever mac & cheese is left gummed to the inside of the pan after I've served, blown cool and given seconds to my two little piggies.

But, crappy cuisine is the least of my worries lately. We've had a hellacious couple of weeks. The hubs had to lay off MORE guys (which means more work for him) and then he was handed a paycut. Oh, how I miss his old job. We're both so very bitter about the current employment situation, but that's a whole 'nother story.

A week later, we learned my great-aunt -- who's treated us like grandkids since she had none of her own -- was very sick, unresponsive and on a respirator. After two days by her bedside, a unanimous decision was made to remove her from the ventilator. She never wanted to be hooked to a bunch of tubes. I think we all held out a little hope that she'd fool us all and come up fighting once the sedation was weaned off and the vent was removed. She hung there a lot longer than any of us expected (she was a toughie!), but passed away last Tuesday.

Our house has been a disaster. Our contractor and their subcontractor are completely stumped by a condensation issue we've been experiencing with our HVAC system. It's been dripping through the ceiling and was pouring out of a can light. Lovely. Even lovelier? The FIVE gaping holes cut into my ceiling and walls. And, being relegated to the house for hours at a time to babysit various workers sent out. We're hoping this latest "fix" actually rectifies the issue, but we're not too positive about it. Even the contractors don't seem too convinced this will work. I'm just ready to have my house back -- both to its original state and to ourselves.

The hubs and I have always experienced jags of bad luck followed by stretches of good (well, decent...we've never been lucky). So, we thought after thing.after.thing. going wrong, perhaps some good stuff was in store for us. But, now we've just found out my grandpa -- Thing 1's namesake and my most favorite person in the universe -- has cancer. UGH.

We did, however, have a good ultrasound last Friday. Baby Tres looks healthy and was super cute during the sonogram. Yay! The tech seemed pretty confident in a gender guess, but we opted not to find out, sticking to our "Team Green" stance. However, I'm nubsessed! Evidently, all babies have "nubs" (penis-like protrusions) in the late first and early second trimesters. But, you can supposedly determine the gender by the "angle of the dangle." I can't stop trying to figure it out (based on the last two pics)! I don't think it's definitive either way, so I guess that's good since we want to be surprised, but I'm driving myself nuts! My husband doesn't think I'll be able to hold out at the next ultrasound (he may be right, but we're really going to try!)
(S)he's already super cute!

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